
"The Poet's Cradle"



There is a small village of Koshlauch in the Arsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan. Here, in the family of Mullah Muhammetgarif, a boy was born on April 26, 1886, who was to become a great poet in the future. The perpetuation of the memory of Gabdulla Tukai in Koshlauch began in 1956 and was timed to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the poet's birth. A bust monument to Tukay was installed in approximately the same place where the Tukayevs' house stood. A new wooden library building with a small room-museum was built behind the monument, which opened in Koshlauch in 1959 in 1986. the museum exposition was rebuilt for the 100th anniversary of the poet's birth.

Participants will visit the museum's exposition, presented as the poet's parental home. The central theme of the museum's exposition is the world of Gabdulla's childhood. An important place is given to the works of Tukai, written especially for children, and illustrations for them. The image of the book passes through all the halls of the museum. The exposition presents household items of the XIX-XX centuries collected in the villages of the Arsky district, photographs, archival documents about the history of the village, representatives of the Muslim clergy who lived in the village of Koshlauch, parents and other relatives of Tukai.

The female half of the house is the mother's world, the traditional image of a rural Tatar house, where so much was done by skillful and hardworking female hands. All the exhibits were collected from the villagers. Mannequins with typological clothes of a village mullah and his wife give us the opportunity to present images of Tukai's parents.

In the corner of the room there is a massive working stove, embodying the warmth of the hearth. The personal belongings of the poet's mother are on display nearby. It was in such a cradle that his mother Bibimamduda (12+) rocked little Gabdulla